
Becoming a Reviewer for Journals

Cited from other websites. For personal use.

Serving as a peer reviewer on manuscripts is part of the service an investigator is expected to do.

First, decide on a journal or two for which you'd be qualified to review manuscripts. Journals in which you've published are good candidates.
  1. Contact the Journal Editor or Associate Editors with a request to be considered. Include your CV so they can see the type of articles you've written and the journals in which you've published.
  2. Talk with former advisors and current or former mentors about recommending papers to you for review. They may be willing to suggest you as a possible reviewer on papers they've been requested to review, or may know journal editors or associate editors personally and be willing to suggest you for future reviews.
  3. Network with these people when you see them at meetings. Be sure to introduce yourself, talk about your research and how it fits with their journal, and volunteer your willingness to review for them.
  4. Continue to publish good work in the best journals. It will bring you to the attention of the editors and associate editors so that they will think of you as a potential reviewer.
Before you know it, you will be on the list of reviewers for one or more journals. However, be sure to be prompt and thoughtful in your reviews, or you will find yourself off the list in a hurry.
See below for resources on being a journal reviewers (APS does not endorse or assume responsibility for the information posted on these web sites).

How do you become a reviewer of journals?


1. Publish your research constantly in your field so that you become well known in your area as an expert.

2. Make good network with people working not only in your area but also in some allied fields and let them know that you are willing to serve as a volunteer reviewer for some journals in your field. Getting reviewers is a painstaking job for the editors due to busy and unavailable expert reviewers and since most of the time the nature of the job is to volunteer it becomes less priority.

3. Approach directly to the Editor-in-Chief, Section Editors, Associate Editors of your target journal with a very organized CV, detailed research interest, specific areas you want to review articles for, with the detailed info of the reviewer activity you already performed for any other journal(s). Though many high impact journals do not encourage this unsolicited approach and they only rely on selecting well known and established researchers in the area.

4. Try online registration for different journal (eg. Manuscript Central-Scholar one...) as reviewer and provide detailed info including your specific area of expertise.

5. Do your job seriously and be on time and come up with a good constructive criticism once you agree to review any article. If you have any conflict of interest be honest and disclose any related issue to the editor.

6. Once the stone starts rolling you will be over whelmed with the number of articles you receive in a regular basis.

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