
China announces stem-cell rules


Many scientists have been itching to get started.
Qi Zhou, a stem-cell and cloning scientist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Institute of Zoology in Beijing, has been waiting for the guidelines so he can move his research from animal models to humans. In unpublished work, his team has already implanted dopamine-producing neurons derived from stem cells into monkeys that have been chemically induced to show symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s disease. The monkeys have shown some improvement, and he now hopes to try the treatment on humans. “I think it’s time, time to start doing some clinical research,” he says.
Jianwu Dai, a regenerative-medicine specialist at the CAS Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology in Beijing, hopes to implant a small collagen scaffold seeded with stem cells into humans to try to repair spinal-cord injuries. His team has treated some 25 people using the scaffold seeded with mononuclear cells, a type of blood cell taken from bone marrow, and Dai says he has seen some improvements. But he thinks that neural stem cells derived from embryonic stem cells will deliver better results.

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